Time continues to speed crazily by, Troy continues to grow up, and David and I refuse to grow old (or admit to it!)

Troy is a junior in high school.  He is becoming such a wonderful young man.  He has volunteered to join his youth group for three years on their missions trip to south-side Chicago, as well as be a CIT (Counselor-in-training) for the kids day camp at our church each year.  Here are a few pictures of Troy this year:


The first picture is Troy with some friends that road RAGBRIA with us (I drove support.) The second picture is Troy with his girlfriend, Matti, and the last picture is Troy during our trip to Armenia while we were visiting one of the ancient monasteries.

All for now…..

Almost five years later we live in the Midwest, Troy is in high school, David retired from the Army.

More recently we look like this:

This was us at Easter taken at church. The second picture was taken at Thanksgiving when Virginia was visiting.


My Patriot boys!

Troy’s first target practice and his first day of school.

Grandma Fox passed this Spring and brought us together for this photo. Troy and I traveled to MO to visit Grandma Dottie, this is Aunt Sherrie and me earlier this year.

I’ll try to update a little more later perhaps even get semi-regular since I don’t hang out at Facebook anymore.



For the Martin Luther King, Jr. long week-end we headed to Massanutten. I love that Troy is getting old enough to take good pictures of David and I. Here we are at a beautiful look-out.

Here Troy is learning how to surf. Even David tried it!

David and Troy sled on tubes for two hours.  It was in the low 30’s and COLD!

So today was the big day, Troy headed back to school.  I took this picture of “my boys”.

1st Day

I was surprised that out of three new outfits for school, Troy chose “snazzy” over “cool”.  I had a sleeveless superman outfit and two nice shirts with the khaki shorts.  He even wanted his hair spiked.  He is looking really good.

Troy was given a free 20 minute private lesson for his birthday from his karate school.  Here he is with his favorite sensei.

I am going to use this to help him learn his fighting form before his testing next month.

This movie is actually from three separate sections.  The first part is learning a difficult turn.  It quickly transitions to Troy going through the fighting form one time, then it transitions to him going through it again.  I think I may have put the two times through backwards, but you get the idea. 🙂

There are a couple areas where I clipped out a small bit because he was going over a move trying to get it right so if it seems to blur that is what happened.